Re: life and time is too precious

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 02:12:07 MDT

Hal Finney wrote:

>We have every reason to be optimistic. Our ideas are incredibly strong,
>and despite the inevitable backlash, we are in favor of giving people
>what they want: strength, beauty, intelligence, health, and long life.
>That, my friends, is an unbeatable package.
...but there is something people want (need?) a lot more than any of
these things. They want not to feel anxious. And a desperate need not to
feel anxious could stop any or all of the good stuff coming to fruition.
That's why public anxiety about tech is the first thing we've got to try
to dispel.
Hal's words here should be part of an extropian press release! I hope to
steal them for one of my notoriously optimistic lectures in the future.

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