Re: Invisible Friends

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 22:40:45 MDT

From: "Damien Broderick" <>

> There's something else going on behind this discussion other than a tired
> pissing contest between ideologies, I suspect. The terminology is
> odd. Children are `brats'. People who have and raise children are
`breeders' (a
> term I've previously seen only applied by somewhat resentful gays to
> I'm sure this comment will now lead, yet again, to diagnoses of me as
> correct'. I don't care, I'm off to play with my brother's rug rats and
ankle biters.

Oh, me, oh mea culpa, I used two out of three of those terms. In attempting
to fight fire with fire, I resorted to sarcasm (trying, in vain, to placate
predictable hostilities in advance). You may recall I was defending what at
the moment, at least, seems to be a given in the USA - public education.

Olga (mother of two grown carpet rodents and three of the most intelligent
grandchildren in the universe, you know)

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