We're goin to Vegas! WAS Re: Cheap Living (was Invisible Friends)

From: outlawpoet - (outlawpoet@stealth.hell.com)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 17:58:08 MDT

Well, besides the vaguely creepy realization that several other extropians live in salt lake, this thread caught my eyes, because I've been planning to move to outer New York city or Nevada(near Las Vegas). I love big cities, but I could deal with a drive into them. I also love space and low prices.

We have a couple of Las Vegas residents, right? How bad are land prices within 20 minutes of Las Vegas... I would love to have a decent size property, and still have a 24 source of entertainment, plus >128k net connection.

Which brings me to more questions. I've never owned property outside of a city, suppose I have a big mess o private property. Can I do whatever I want with it? Build my own skyscraper, drive tanks around, blow shit up? Or do zoning ordinances and residential agreements still apply? Will the FCC still bust me for blasting microwaves without a license?(assuming I could set it up so no microwaves leak outside my property)

If I could get a decent size farm and some freedoms, you could sell the fun I'd have with that. Party at my place, dibs on the pneumatic cannon.

Justin Corwin
"For the mad scientist in us all..."

--- the animated silicon love doll <cheshire@velvet.net> wrote:
>Depends on the area, I'd imagine - I'm in Salt Lake City, which is
>pretty damn cheap. It's also infested with Mormons. The only thing
>that would possibly keep me here (if I had the means to leave, which I
>don't right now) is all my friends. The high cost of living probably
>coincides with a high quality of living, at least for those
>willing/able to pay for it. I'd much rather be living in a tiny studio
>and eating ramen in San Francisco or Seattle than being middle class
>in some town in the midwest, or even one of the less expensive cities.
>cheshire morgan. "Beer wants to be free."
> -Bruce Sterling
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