Re: META: List Overposting

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 12:54:31 MDT

> (Dossy <>):
> If the reason for the post-limiting is the cost of the mailing
> list on Extropy (or wherever the list is hosted) -- are people
> interested in starting a non-limited mailing list on Yahoo! Groups
> or somewhere else?

But that's not the reason for it; hard disks are cheap. The posting
limit is a simple quality measure. On all mailing lists of this type,
it is not uncommon for the quality of posts to be in direct inverse
proportion to their quantity. That is, those who post many messages
per day often post lots of fluff. The limit is simply to make those
persons think harder about which topics and comments are really
important, and which are better left alone.

It's a poor metric, but it's better than none.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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