Re: High Cost of Learning (was Re: Invisible Friends )

From: spike66 (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 09:23:41 MDT

>>>...Housing costs are the
>big wild card everywhere that I know of. All other costs are
>pretty much the same anywhere you go. spike >>
>Brian Phillips wrote: Does the variance in the price of living mostly reflect market
>pressures (i.e. the invisible hand) or is regulation (i.e. more
>regulation and codes in the big liberal cities) driving up
>costs? Insurance rates etc.?
Regulation and codes may be a small part of it, but no, the housing
market is
a huge ongoing auction. If there are a lot of rich yahoos who want to
live in your neighborhood for whatever reason, the price goes up to
comical levels. You would laugh at some of the trash pits that sell
for a million US around here.

>BTW Spike other things cost differently too, I have noticed
>price differences of 20-30% at malls and grocery stores
>that always vary from the most affluent side of the County
So I hear. I guess my perspective is warped by the fact that the housing
costs around here dwarf everything else combined. It doesnt matter
much if everything else is 20-30% higher. Never notice it, once the
mortgage bill hits. {8^D

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