Re: life and time is too precious

From: Steve (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 08:09:44 MDT

> Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 13:20:40 EDT
> From:
> Subject: Re: life and time is too precious
> - --part1_9b.27ffeffe.2a23c4e8_boundary
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> Steve Nichols Opined:
> <<This posting lacks balance & perspective. No doubt extropians and
> fundamentalist
> transhumans will call me a neo-luddite for drawing attention to
> Ian Pearson
> (BT exact technologies) article in this week's Sunday Times warning of
> dangers in
> nanotechnology, AI, and biotechs that are capable of making life on earth
> extinct.>>

> <<What we need is a middle way in advance. We should jettison tried &
> techniques
> in favour of untested, speculative and potentially lethal latest
> simply to
> keep up with fashion. And what is wrong with concentrating on eco-friendly
> science
> such as wind-power & renewables ... green science can be just as
> technologically
> advanced, challenging and innovative as the 'blue sky' fads such as
> & nano-tech.
> Steve Nichols>>
> Nobody, I have read in the last few years, in this newsgroup, has
> the jettisoning of tried and tested techniques. If we had nanotechnology
> use as a energy producer, or and a manufacturing method; then one might
> garner stronger opinions. So far, nanotech is a fascinating series of
> technologies that will take quite a few decades to arrive, and perhaps
> more to be effective.
> Nobody on this list is against renewable energy, they simply have been
> disappointed by the slow progress in efficieny and implementation.

Surely the reason for slow implementation is the economics and vested
political interests of the oil lobby!!!! What sums are spent on renewable
energy in the USA as opposed to oil & gas exploration & importation,
Either on R&D or on commercial implementation?

Does the list think Bush is in the pockets of the oil lobby?

There are starting to be many wind farms appearing in Europe, I think
Denmark is world leader in the technology.

I think one problem with advanced technology is that many people are still
labouring under the human-delusion, and are mentally stuck in the past.
Pakistan shouldn't have nuclear weapon technology, but once Pandora's
box is opened you can't close it again.

Steve Nichols

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