Face Recognition software doesn't work

From: Harvey Newstrom (mail@HarveyNewstrom.com)
Date: Mon May 27 2002 - 23:13:41 MDT

This was reported in Risks Digest 22.10
<http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/22.10.html>. Palm Beach International
Airport tried to use face recognition software and concluded it didn't
work. Despite the vendor's inflated claims, they could not get a high
rate of IDs or a low rate of false IDs. This was also tried and dropped
in Tampa where the police had similar problems. The Tampa stadium also
dropped its software for similar problems. Despite the vendor's claims,
the software does not seem to be working in the real world. It also
seems to be common consensus among security professionals that face
recognition software does not work yet, despite the claims of technology.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <www.HarveyNewstrom.com>
Principal Security Consultant <www.Newstaff.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 11:16:55 -0400
From: Dave Farber <dave@farber.net>
Subject: Face recognition kit fails in Fla airport
Thomas C Greene in Washington, The Register 27 May 2002
The face recognition system in experimental use at Palm Beach 
Airport on 15 volunteers and a database of 250 snapshots.  The success 
is less than 50%.  Extrapolations also suggest a false-positive rate of
about 50 passengers a day for a single checkpoint handling 5,000 
"Eyeglasses gave the system a great deal of difficulty, in spite of 
Visionics marketing hype denying this particular glitch. Small rotations 
the head, fifteen to thirty degrees off the camera's focal point, also
bamboozled it repeatedly, and the lighting had to be just right."
   [PGN-ed for RISKS.  For Dave's IP archives see:
http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/ ]

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