Re: Time to go Fukuyama on neuroscience?

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun May 26 2002 - 19:40:17 MDT

Hal Finney wrote:

>...Here's a hopeful thought: suppose they come up with successful,
>safe, weight loss drugs in the next 10-15 years that will finally let
>overweight Americans take off the extra pounds and improve their health
>and appearance. This would be the most popular drug in history...
...but would not be available in the US. Weight Loss Incorporated
is a multibillion dollar industry. Should anyone ever discover anything
that *really does work*, you know that people would be lining up
around the block to sue that company into being forced to pull that
product off the shelves. Juries would perceive that some big evil
corporation was making billions and would award all the profits to
some random prole who claimed that her loss of sexual desire was
caused by this miracle drug. With our wonderful legal system we
have painted ourselves into a corner. spike

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