Re: Open Letter to Gina Miller

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Sat May 25 2002 - 15:39:57 MDT

> Gina Miller wrote: No I didn't write this..........
> > I can see how you would have been offended, along with other
> > included) after having read some of the vexing posts. But one thing I
> > about this list is that it rarely engages in censorship. I do not ever
> > to see a Committee for Unextropian Activities! And I am grateful Max
> > has tried to keep the list pretty open.
> >
> It is funny how people wring their hands over "censorship" when
> no censoring of even extremely tasteless material is being done.
> When tasteless material is starting to offend people we talk of
> at least not sinking to "censorship" Yet let one person express
> a viewpoint contrary to most and much of the list will sometimes
> jump on that person for weeks and no one considers that
> "censorship" or raises the issue at all. Rather curious, don't
> you think?
> I don't mind if someone here is airing highly prejudicial
> opinions per se. I do mind, a lot, when some claim that is
> actually a virtue of brave and even "Extropian" thinking. I
> don't think when a lot of people respond negatively to such
> prejducial postings that this is in any wise "censorship". It
> is people responding honestly and often straight from their
> heart. I don't know how the censorship question should even
> have been raised here.
> Now, I have seen the "openness" taken so far on some lists that
> one really nasty individual could drive almost everyone else
> away. I think the right thing is more of a balance. We don't
> allow certain kinds of weeds in the garden if we expect the
> garden to bloom with what we want to see in it. It is up to the
> list owners and administrators to draw those lines and usually I
> think the ones here work pretty well with some occassional
> erring too much toward liberalism even when people and
> relationships are getting unnecessarily hurt. (imho of course)
> - samantha

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