Re: : Re: Invisible Friends (was Toddler learning]

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat May 25 2002 - 11:30:34 MDT

On Saturday, May 25, 2002, at 01:21 pm, Brian Phillips wrote:

> It is unreasonable to expect anyone to finance education outside
> one's own kin-group. You are suggesting that others be happy
> and enthused about being robbed to pay for the offspring of
> people they do not identify with or care about.

> I'd rather give that money to an organization that pays
> drug addicts a fee to undergoe sterilization.

But this last point is about the same reason that I do support
education, even if through taxation. Education of young people is
expensive. But it's cheaper than if they become unemployed drug addicts
that have welfare children. It's cheaper to educate them now than to
fight crime increases or support the homeless later. I see education as
a form of preventative welfare, to try to stave off the more expensive
problems later. I actually believe that my tax dollars going to
education are less than the tax dollars that could go to increased
police and increased welfare later. I am doing this for selfish
motives, so that my community is safer and nicer with less problems than
it might have otherwise. There is no altruistic motives behind my

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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