Re: group-based judgement

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri May 24 2002 - 13:11:10 MDT

On Friday, May 24, 2002, at 10:41 am, Anders Sandberg wrote:

> Maybe I'm missing some of the context, since I'm not following the
> big noisy thread at the list center right now, but I found this
> question interesting in its own right and besides, it gave me the
> chance to do a small plug for my latest paper :-)

You may have missed Lee's assertion that men should be saved before
women because they are more valuable. You may have missed Gina Miller's
suggestion that she was offended and might drop out if that is the
viewpoint around here. You may have missed others' assertions that race
is a valid determinant in choosing who should be saved first. This has
sparked some controversy in the list, and has even spawned some threads
questioning whether logical fallacies are really rules against
politically incorrect though and whether the extropian principles are
merely opinions from the 1980s that have no relevance or value to our
opinions today.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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