Re: preserve us from our friends

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 23:10:13 MDT

At 10:32 AM 5/23/02 +0100, Charlie Stross wrote:

>Here's a fun thought; if I remember correctly, about 40-50% of fertilized
>blastocytes never make it through to term -- they fail to implant or they
>spontaneously abort at some point in the proceedings. Why don't the fundies
>yell their heads off over this entirely natural process

Because it's *God Who is killing them*, so that's all right!

I once briefly harbored the unkind notion that a drug regime might be
developed (nay, *should* be developed) to save these poor shivering
proto-foetuses from their untimely end. Since most of them are presumably
carriers of alleles likely to build really fucked up brains/bodies, the
fundies and other loons who felt morally obliged to embrace this godly and
redemptive technology would bear an ever larger number of subnormal
offspringen. I put the thought out of my mind immediately, of course, since
no child deserves to be created deformed or stupid to fulfil the lunatic
ideology of its parents.

Damien Broderick

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