Re: LANL Abstract: The Ultimate Fate of Life in an Accelerating Universe

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 17:02:30 MDT

On Tue, 21 May 2002, Amara Graps wrote:

> >Amara forwards:
> >
> > The Ultimate Fate of Life in an Accelerating Universe
> > Authors: Katherine Freese (Univ. of Michigan) William H. Kinney (Columbia
> > Univ.)
> But referencing Freeman Dyson was not a bad place to start. :-)

> [snip]

> For those of you who haven't looked at the paper above, it began with
> Freeman Dyson's paper ("Time without End: Physics and Biology in an
> Open Universe"), and then came to the conclusion that Dyson's arguments
> were still valid.

Hmmmm... Perhaps we have ze fingerprints of Monsieur Bradbury
here. Dr. Freese was clueless with regard to what a Dyson
Sphere was when I proposed them as an explanation for the
gravitational microlensing observations at the 4th International
Workshop on Gravitational Microlensing in Paris in 1998.

Maybe she has gone back and reviewed some of the literature in
greater depth. That is good since she is a *very* good theoretical

I can live without infinite memory. The lack of CPU cycles is
an entirely different matter however.


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