Re: TRANSCENSION at Fictionwise

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon May 20 2002 - 00:09:48 MDT

mike99 wrote:

> How true. I buy lots of short fiction from but I cannot
> imagine reading a novel on my PDA...or paying their asking price for new
> novels either! I bought my hard copy of TRANSCENSION from Amazon and enjoyed
> the book in the conventional manner: reading it at my favorite coffee shop,
> or on my couch, or in bed.

I actually read faster and more comfortably on a good PDA or
e-book reader. The reason is the smaller screen width means
that I read more just by running my eyes down the page with no
left-right motion. Line-at-a-time mode is both faster and more
fun for me.

- samantha

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