bay to breakers

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun May 19 2002 - 17:48:51 MDT

You may know of our annual San Francisco Bay Area baccanalian
festival known as the Bay to Breakers, a sort of cross between
a 10k footrace and a Mardi Gras parade. Instead of standing
by and watching, the participants move along with the teeming
hordes, perhaps after getting up a costume, or in some cases after
removing one. Completely.

In general, it can be summed up as an opportunity to express
one's individuality by acting like a lunatic along with 80 thousand
other proles all doing the same thing. You even get a bit of
exercise out of the deal.

This year, it started raining just as we were crossing the starting
line, and didn't let up the whole time. The nudes actually got the
last laugh, for they carried their clothing in a bag or backpack,
and consequently had some dry things to put on when they
arrived. Most of the runners were ill prepared for the rain,
and the buses were ill prepared for the numbers who wanted
to escape the weather, so I wouldnt be at all surprised if there
are cases of hypothermia.


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