META: List traffic

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun May 19 2002 - 14:22:12 MDT

I'm trying to increase my reading/time use effectiveness
and have noticed processing certain Email folders in pine
on my 450 MHz Pentium II machine is taking a bit long.
(How long has it been that we have had databases that
we are *still* processing email as flat files???).

That happens when the folders start to get into the 10-15 MB
range so I'm having to separate things out by quarters
(as the lucifer archives do). Q1 2002 Extropian list
feed exceeds 10 MB in size. I'm not sure but I think
a novel is around 1 MB in size (Damien would know).

So reading the extropian list in full is like reading
10-12 novels per quarter or perhaps 1 novel per week.
Not an insignificant amount of time.

(Not that I read the list in full -- I probably only
manage 10-20%).


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