Re: Blonde Joke

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun May 19 2002 - 08:13:40 MDT

spike66 wrote:
> spike66 wrote:
> > Gina Miller wrote:
> >
> >> My stupid computer keeps saying, "YOU'VE GOT MAIL."
> >
> > Hey, she shouldnt feel bad. My stupid computer does that too. I
> > checked the mailbox several times and it was empty every time. Now I
> > know it lies, and I dont pay any attention to it anymore.
> >
> > spike
> Not only was my mailbox empty, This stupid comuter
> also claimed to provide virus protection.
> I caught a cold just the same.

Hey, when I bought mine, it said it came with a dozen free CD's, but
when I took them to the bank to cash, they laughed at me....

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