Re: san to mars

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat May 18 2002 - 09:28:54 MDT

spike66 wrote:
> "Lucia Zarate was the smallest woman ever recorded. At her birth in
> 1864, she weighed only eight ounces and was seven inches long. By
> adulthood she was less than twenty inches tall and weighed less than
> five pounds.
> She was normal in every other way, and was described as bright and
> animated. She first came to the US at twelve years old and was one of
> the highest-paid midgets of all time. She made twenty dollars an hour.
> Lucia tragically died in 1890 when the train she was on became stalled
> in the Rocky Mountains during a heavy snowstorm. She died of
> exposure."
> Cooooool! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Gene! Man,
> less than 5 pounds! Ill redo all my calcs for Mars mission. If we
> can get people that small, we can probably even send two.

Maybe you could contact her family and seek to obtain her DNA for
research....? Creative cloning, anyone?

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