Re: equal opportunity policy for hard-up terrorists

From: dwayne (
Date: Sat May 18 2002 - 07:17:24 MDT

spike66 wrote:

> Not weird. You will find the same pretty much everywhere. The
> recent immigrants are the ones that have the most to lose from
> having to compete with the still more recent immigrants. They
> compete for similar jobs.

I guess this makes sense, but I'd have assumed that, having been where
these people are, they'd be better able to sympathize with them than the
old-skool anglo* population here, who seem to be very tolerant.
> Consider Taxifornia, particularly near the Mexican border.

You parochial americans, it's a good thing I have enough context to have
a clue. Tsk.

> Our lefty state government

mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh no I must rush to the toilet.

> has insisted that the public schools
> be bilingual, which is a euphamism for teaching in Spanish.
> The kids tend to fall in with other Spanish speakers and
> neglect to learn English.

There's a bit of that happening here, especially in the turkish
community, but there's no large secondary language grouping so it's
learn only your (foreign but heavily supported) lingo, or speak what
everyone else speaks.

> Ironically, the Mexican public schools understand that
> English is probably the most valuable skill they can teach,
> so the Mexican kids learn to speak impeccable English.


I love the way the world has these sorts of totally bezerk outcomes :)

> When it comes time to hire someone, the Mexican
> educated have much better English skills than their
> American counterparts and consequently are more
> valuable employees.

So, hang on. The mexican illegal immigrants speak better english than
the first generation americans of mexican descent?

Ahahahahha. I guess eventually they'll speak better spanish than the
guys in mexico, all neglecting their mexican for english, and then
they'll have to sneak across the border into mexico and get jobs working
on farms picking tobacco (or whatever the local equivalent is).

> Now does it seem weird that recent immigrants are
> the most opposed to immigration? spike

Well, hang on, you have a totally weird special case happening in
California. I know you guys LOVE to look intensively at your own navel
and extrapolate out onto the world with gay abandon, but it's not quite
the same everywhere else.

Your first comment explained it, this latter bit is amusing anecdote :)


* weird, I noticed that the dictionary in the netscape was set to
English(US) so I changed it back to English(UK) and a whole bunch of
*extra* suggestions for anglo popped up. Strange.

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