Re: The Nanogirl News~

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 01:52:33 MDT

At 12:34 AM 5/17/02 -0700, Gina fwds:

>Congressmen Say More Nano Money Is An Investment In America's Future.
>Influential members of Congress are on a path to increase nanotechnology
>spending within the National Science Foundation over and above the increase
>President Bush called for in his 2003 budget. The bill, called the
>"Investing in America's Future Act," sponsored by Rep. Nick Smith, R-Mich.,
>and co-sponsored by Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-NY, chairman of the powerful
>House Science Committee, would increase nanotechnology spending at NSF in
>2003 from Bush's request of $221 million to $238 million. (SmallTimes


Wow, Far Sighted Congress plans token 7.7% funding increase to Invest in
America's Future! Don't spend it all at once, guys!

Damien Broderick

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