Re: equal opportunity policy for hard-up terrorists

From: dwayne (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 00:17:23 MDT

Emlyn O'regan wrote:
> Maybe all his friends are in Afganistan?
> I wonder if recruiting terrorists (or whatever it was he was alleged to be
> doing, can't remember) would qualify as the 15 hours-per-week minimum
> compulsory work that people will soon have to perform on disability
> allowance in Oz? Funny rule that... seems as though only people scamming the
> allowance will still be able to get it.

The what?

My understanding of it was that if you were capable of doing more than
15 hours per week they moved you onto the dole, which pays less. What's
this about compulsory work? The media will love the first TPI incident.
I can imagine the photos.

Are you sure you don't have this mixed up? I also noted today that they
are, err, uhmmm, considering the whole scheme "still being worked out"
so this might be dropped.

Mind you, I know several *times* more people who are scamming this than
are actually too ill to work. You only need to spend 4 weeks per annum
in Australia to qualify, so it's a really nifty way to travel through
south east asia, apparently. While I have no problem with the dole, I
find this beyond the pale, personally.

What I thought was *really* evil was hiding border security in the
environmental funding. Yup. Environmental projects are being cut and
people are being sacked to fund patrol boats. Which is silly when you
consider there are 30,000 western australians prepared to fund and arm
such an effort themselves (!).


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