Re: extropians-diagest V7 #128

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 07:55:39 MDT

>From: Sylvia Morscher <>

>um... are you referring to the "Kalahari Bushmen" (sorry i don't
>know how to reproduce clicks in ascii so i can't refer to them by
>a correct name)?


>don't they live in a _desert_, and have very advanced hunting and
>gathering and navigation technology, considering that they survive
>in an environment that defeats most other people?

They are superbly adapted to their environment, as are most native

I have long admired at the abilities of such people as Australian
Aborigines. I long ago adopted a saying of their's "The more you
know, the less you need" as my working motto.

A number of modern men have successfully re-learned and teach these
abilities, men like Larry Dean Olsen, Tom Brown, and Cody Lundin.
Cody teaches desert survival skills to children of the Apache

You've hit on one of my hobbies, I've got almost every survival
book ever written.

Most valuable survival tip: Don't panic.

If you get lost, look down, chances are you can follow your own
footprints out...


Extropy Institute,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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