Re: Toddler learning/abortion

From: John Grigg (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 22:01:08 MDT

Dossy Shiobara wrote:
My daughter loves computers, too. We got the Baby Smartronics
keyboard that sits on top of a regular PC104 keyboard and she
loves to play it, nearly daily. We also recently got her the
Little Tikes PC Cruiser -- a USB steering wheel that comes with
a really cheesy little game which she enjoys immensely.

She's been able to work the DVD player (we have it in the
entertainment unit about 2 feet from the ground) since she
was old enough to walk, around 14 months or so. She would
pop DVD's out of their case and pop them into the player
by herself. Frustrated my wife who was afraid our daughter
would break the DVD player, but I'm all for her learning
anything she can whenever she can and can risk a $170 DVD
player in the process.
Dossy, the stories in your post of being a proud extropian papa really warmed my heart. : ) Your daughter is very fortunate to have the parents she does. And I'm glad to see there are people around here who DON'T see children as little expendable subhumans!! You know who you are... If we are not careful, extropians may begin to be seen unfairly as child haters.

Samantha wrote in reply to Reason:
If you think it is equally acceptable to live in a culture where
human children are considered not human and can be killed with
no compunction or penalty by their "owners" and you find this a
desirable or equally reasonable society then I have little to
say to you. Can you project the actuality you loftily claim to
be equally good because it "is all arbitrary" and actually see
it as equally good? If not, then why bother to assert it?

I believe he is asserting it to show the problem with for example killing an unborn five month old unborn baby(fetus) as compared to killing a five month old baby(safely? made it out of the womb). Where do we draw the line?

I think in a way the two of you are on the same side.

best wishes,



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