Re: Sticky ideas needed

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 08:22:35 MDT

On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 03:28 am, Alex Ramonsky wrote:

> I am helping out a friend with some HGI SFX for a movie. We need to
> find the stickiest substance known to sentientkind. It needs to be able
> to stick bits of metal and plastic to human skin without causing any
> serious skin problems and they need to stay on for at least 24 hours a
> time. The 'prostheses' are very light, but we've tried medical grade
> adhesive and superglue, neither of which are sticky enough. We are
> shaving the areas first. How do you get things to stick to humans? How
> do the borg do it? And those back-of-the-hand communicators in Babylon
> 5? Or does everybody just put up with things falling off all day long?
> Sticky ideas please!
> Ramonsky

(Why am I always the stick-in-the-mud?)

I would suggest contacting a professional special effects shop and not
experimenting with home-made recipes you get from amateurs. Adhesives
can cause serious skin reactions. You are experimenting with a medical
chemical formula that will be absorbed into the skin! You definitely
want to get it right!

Remember that you will be absorbing this stuff through the skin.
Imagine eating whatever formula people give you and decide if you really
want to accept "educated guesses" from the masses.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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