59'th update on fly longevity experiments

From: Doug Skrecky (oberon@vcn.bc.ca)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 21:58:05 MDT

    This is the 59'th update of my fly longevity experiments. Average
temperature was 22.9 C during this run. Here I retest soy protein, both by
itself, and with other supplements added.
    Soy protein itself exerted no benefit at 1 tsp in this run. However
the source of the flies was from a breeding bottle that held an extra 1
tsp soy protein in it to help fight viruses. It is possible that soy
resistant viruses may have developed.
    Although the combination supplements looked promising initially,
ultimately the controls lasted the longest. I beleive this peculiar result
to be a side effect of an experimental mistake. Fly food itself tends to
dry out with time, and since I did not add extra water to the dry
supplements, this desiccating effect may have been limiting to fly
longevity after two months.

Run #59 Percent Survival on Day
supplement 21 26 32 37 46 53 58 63 68 78 84 89 97
control 92 69 69 69 69 62 62 62 62 23 8 8 0
soy protein 1 tsp 69 63 56 56 56 44 44 25 6 0 - - -
 + rice protein 1 tsp 100 100 92 85 85 54 54 46 38 9 0 - -
 + honey 1 tsp 100 100 100 92 92 92 58 58 33 8 8 0 -
 + pepper, cayenne 1/8 tsp 100 100 81 81 81 69 63 31 13 0 - - -
soy protein 2 tsp 94 89 83 72 51 44 39 33 33 0 - - -

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