Re: Chat

From: outlawpoet - (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 22:27:14 MDT

--- "J.W. Harris" <> wrote:
>Good chat tonight on #extropy
>This was my third IRC session in ten years -- and, unlike the
>experiences that turned me off of IRC, mentally stimulating.

I in general have a much higher tolerance for chat's idiosyncrasies(as it's one of the few mediums that I can find people to talk to at all hours of the night) but tonight's chat had #extropy in rare form. It was really a pleasure. I'm glad I was able to attend.

We managed to have some meaningful conversation, there were very few deadspots, and I got to talk to some of my 'heroes' on Extropians.

>(Thanks Eliezer!)

Indeed. Three cheers for organization. On a related note, we decided to defer setting the next date until the emaillist could confer. So, when should the next one be?

>Now I need to learn how to actually use chat software... I didn't even
>know how to log the chat session for myself. So I'll have to either
>SERIOUSLY edit the 'while :; do cat /dev/vcs6 >> chat.log ; sleep 5 ;
>done' 'log' I made (hmmm, faster to write a Perl script, or use vim?) or wait for Ziana...

Well, vim would probably be fastest. Or you could email me, and I can send you a .txt file of the whole time I was there, which was seemingly most of it.

>I'm looking forward to a discussion on when to have the next Extropian

Quite quite. It really was very enjoyable, folks. Top flight conversation. Great fun for all. More sentence fragments.


"Great Fun Guaranteed!.
not a guarantee."
        ~sign in front of an amusement park

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