Re: How will you know that you've woken up from cryogenic sleep?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 04:54:38 MDT

I will continue to "pick nits" with your violent blustering.


Mike Lorrey wrote:

> Samantha Atkins wrote:
>>>--- Mike Lorrey <> wrote:
>>>>Long as I've got my pals Mr Smith and Mr Wesson, I
>>>>haven't had any
>>>>problems. Smackin down muggers who are hopped up on
>>>>acid with your bare
>>>>hands is TIRING.
>>Holy handguns! People doing acid are almost never violent and
>>are not into mugging people. Some of the variants put out a bit
>>later such as STP and such were purposefully designed (by the
>>CIA and military types) to last for days and possibly lead to
>>psychosis. But even those weren't generally violent. Except in
>>very rare cases LSD users aren't violent and even those that do
>>freak out aren't into mugging people, especially not while
>>tripping. I should know from a few rather psychedelic years of
>>my own misspent youth and working emergency street switchboards
>>for some time. Do you get your information on drugs and drug
>>users from DEA propaganda, Mike?
> No, I got my information from having to personally smack down a hopped
> up mugger with my bare hands. I don't know what drug he was on, I just
> know that I WAS doing him significant damage with each punch (when their
> head snaps back on impact and their nose and lips are spurting blood,
> thats generally a good indication) since he was half my size, but he
> kept getting up and coming back for more. I walked away from him half a
> dozen times, he kept following me up the street until *HE* flagged down
> a cop for me by running out in the street and doing the funky chicken on
> the yellow lines.
> By that time, I was pretty tired and wasn't sure I could keep swinging
> for much longer. The cops heard my story, and that of several
> bystanders, apologized for my evening being ruined, and promised the
> mugger would be spending the night in the drunk tank. Whether he was on
> acid, heroin, or whatever I don't know and don't care. That wasn't the
> point, it was immaterial to the point I was making, but it was typical
> of you to pick nits like that.

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