Interview with Kathleen A. Goonan

From: G.P. (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 00:49:15 MDT

New on Transhumanity: Interview with Kathleen A. Goonan. She provides
one of the best examples of the literary value of modern science
fiction. Her novels give snapshots taken at different times of a
world where nano and biotechnologies ("bionan") produce deep changes
in humans and their habitat. Cultural and social changes, including
some triggered by catastrophic failures, are explored in detail. This
interview is "work in progress": Kathleen agreed to receiving more
questions from editors and readers and doing her best to reply. So,
if you wish to comment or ask a new question, you can do so by using
the message board attached to the interview.

My real name (backwards) oiluiG (first) ocsirP (last)

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