R: FTL: a device

From: scerir (scerir@libero.it)
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 11:53:39 MDT

                                      |> >
       | source of | >
   <---|<------ two entangled ------->| > >
       | ph.1 photons ph.2 | >
                                      |> >
       D S

Ken wrote:

Isn't it true that the pattern at S does not become
detectable until a number of ph.2 have arrived?

And, isn't it true that the experiment did not measure
the minimum time after a change at D, that it is possible
to see the change at S?


First question. Yes, of course, you need many photons,
otherwise you cannot detect that pattern (which is just
about 1 cm. wide).

Second question. To see a shift of the interference
pattern at S if you move D? You must wait some time
(few or many photons) otherwise you canot detect the
shifted pattern. (It is quite mind-boggling that
moving D, i.e. to a position where you have a
destructive interference, you just shift the *full*
interference pattern at S. The twin brother ph.2 seems
to *know* to much about what it is happening there).

But the ***main*** point, of course, is this. If one of the
photons (ph.1) is measured with a certain value (of positon,
of momentum, of energy, [of time]) its twin brother (ph.2)
must have been propagating with a well defined value.

Btw in the case of two entangled photons (bi-photon, actually
one particle) Popper suggested that also Heisenberg's principle
should break.

And Dr. Shih performed the experiment:


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