RE: Extreme camping

From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 09:14:35 MDT


>John makes a great point, I think, in the quote below. When I
>daydream about how I'll enjoy the fruits of advanced technologies,
>I often think about such things as running the Pacific Coast Trail
>or living on top of a Utah butte. True, I could do those things
>now--but not without incurring various unacceptable risks and
>discomforts. Humans probably have some inborn affinity for
>thriving in nature; nature has too seldom cooperated with that
>preference. That will almost certainly change, and for the

No need to be extreme, we have the technology....

You just need one of these: (From the Reality sculptors list)

From: Patrick Salsbury <>

So, imagine, if you will, that you get one of these houses from
Reality Sculptors, and they have the thing pre-built and ready to
deliver to you, anywhere on the planet. (After all, when you buy a
car, you don't expect them to come and build it in your driveway,
do you?)

The house arrives at your distant mountain getaway, by
helicopter. It's settled onto the ground, auto-adjusting and
leveling itself with its 3-6 legs, so that it can find stable
footing, even on a strange slope. It arrives lightweight, with
little to no water on board, since that would just be extra weight
for the helicopter to haul.


Cool huh?


Very cool, but it would be even cooler if you combined the helicopter with
the house. Brings new meaning to the term "mobile home"


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