Re: BOOKS: The Fountainhead

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 13:15:44 MDT

Speaking of Robert Anton Wilson, I got really cracked up by his description of "Randians" as "Randroids." It's been my experience that Randianism - Objectivism is as dogmatic or worse than many religions. I've read that many who disagreed with any of Mz Rand's philosophies were cast out of the cult.

I read and enjoyed "Atlas Shrugged," but when I was done with it I felt like it left me a little stupider (if that is possible). The world isn't that black and white no matter how much people try to paint it that way. I still think it should be on reading lists, so long as the list also contains some dissenting viewpoints.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Brian D Williams <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 08:53:53 -0700 (PDT)

> "The Fountainhead"
> Ayn Rand
> ISBN 0-451-19115-3
> Paperback U.S. $8.99
> 694 pages
>Since we are always being refered to as "Randians" I thought I'd
>get aquainted with some of the background material. This was the
>first step in what might result in a formal paper on the
>differences if any. (I believe at this point they exist)
>This was Rand's first novel published in 1943. It is easy to see
>why we are compared to this philosophy, since Rand is a hard-core
>individualist, who having actually lived under communist rule
>rejected it and everything it stood for.
>What I liked best about this book was it's unashamed
>intellectualism. I don't agree with every idea written, but I liked
>the honesty of presenting the ideas in depth, no "dumbing down" for
>the masses here.
>Somewhat dark as befits the era, it seems almost gothic at times.
>I have never seen the entire movie, but cannot imagine it in
>anything other than black and white (and infinite shades of grey).
>Extropy Institute,
>National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
>SBC/Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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