Re: CHAT: Extropians Chat at Sun May *12th* 7PM EDT

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 07:48:52 MDT

On Thursday, May 9, 2002, at 09:15 am, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> Sorry, I meant, of course, Sunday May 12th, not Sunday May 9th. Just
> once I
> wish I could get a chat announcement right the first time. Here's the
> full
> information again:

Drat! I can't make it. That is mother's day, and my partner and I are
taking our maternal DNA sources to dinner.

> Since nobody else seems to be doing it, I'm hereby declaring an
> unauthorized
> Monthly Chat for the Extropians list, in the #extropy channel at
> The first chat will be on Sunday, May 12th at 7PM EDT
> (Georgia time), or 4PM PDT (California time). SL4 has been having some
> interesting times with our monthly gatherings on #sl4, and I think the
> Extropians list should be doing likewise. I wouldn't presume to pick a
> permanent monthly time, but I'll go so far as to pick the first one.

This is a wonderful idea. I really enjoyed the few chats I have
participated in. It is very easy to get distracted and busy with other
things until a lot of good things start falling through the cracks.
Thanks for reminding us to keep this activity alive.

I'm surprised that tech-savvy transhumanists don't communicate more
interactively over the Internet. We seem to work better in batch mode
with store-and-forward. However, there is a spontaneity in real-time
communications that is not obtained by recorded messages.

Although I will miss this one, I definitely would like to chat in the

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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