Re: FTL: a device

From: scerir (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 15:22:55 MDT

[Trying to make it simple]

            D3 D2
             | |
             | |
             | source of |
 D4 -- -- -- / <-- 2 entangled --> \ -- -- -- D1

we have 2 entangled photons
and 2 interferometers

photon 1 hits interferometer 1 and splits
in D1, D2 (if we recombine D1, D2 we have

photon 2 hits interferometer 2 and splits
in D3, D4 (if we recombine D3, D4 we have

questions are:
1- if we detect photon 1 in D2, it means that
   photon 2 is in D3? [I think so]
2- if we detect photon 1 in D2, we destroy
   interference in the interferometer 1? [Yes]
3- if we detect photon 1 in D2, we destroy
   interference in the interferometer 1 and we
   also destroy interference in interferometer 2?
   [I hope so]
4- thus, detecting or not photon 1 in D2, can
   destroy, or not, the interference in the
   interferometer 2? [I hope so]
5- if detecting (or not) photon 1 in D2 deletes
   (or not) the interference in the interferometer
   2, can we make a 0/1 telegraph? [who knows?]
6- is this telegraph FTL? [that's the main

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