Re: [Audacious but Tractable]

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 14:25:47 MDT

"Robert J. Bradbury" wrote:
> On Tue, 7 May 2002, ct wrote:
> > Meanwhile, the extropians appear to have their own local nuisance fires to
> > extinguish:
> >
> > Mission Statement
> > Members of the Cult of the New Eve swear...
> > CA) To eradicate the Extropian Menace
> >
> > So, which one of you guys are they referring to?
> Good question. Sounds like they are talking about Extropians
> as a group. They seem to be leaning in the direction of
> establishing a new "religion", so the princples of "rational
> thinking" and "self-direction" would seem to represent a
> threat.
> Other than identifying us as a threat (and perhaps wanting
> to create a new religion) their general desires seem aligned
> with Extropians.

Well, extropians represent the 'Virtual Eve', a 'false Eve' that they
deem a menace in denying that human 'conciousness permeats the whole

I suppose we ought to make comments about throwing stones and glass
houses and so forth. Those who first declare someone a "False Eve" are
themselves a False Eve....

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