Re: More on human brain vs computer metaphor...

From: YP Fun (
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 20:57:03 MDT

--- KPJ <> wrote:
> |The whole concept of threading is beyond
> |nature. Is there anything in nature capable of
> |multithreading. All human beings are singly
> |threaded. We live life over a single thread.
> |We can NEVER do two things at the same time
> |at any given time.
> Interesting hypothesis. What experimental data do
> you found it on?

I can only give you my limited experience. When
I try to solve a problem I do so by breaking
the problem down into linear steps. When I code
I can only follow one conditional at a time.
Sometimes I speed up my logical deductions by
pattern recognition... aka I have resolved nulls
before... <splat...code>...

There are those strangely talented people who can
draw a square with their left hand and a circle
with their right hand. I somehow doubt that they
are multitasking but rather swapping processes in
and out of memory very quickly... hmmm I wonder
if the ability to swap trains of thought in and
out of short term memory positively correlates with

> |In a dual processor computer two threads
> |can run at the same time and they may act
> |either independently or in conjunction with
> |one another. Not only that, but a root thread
> |can govern, control and spawn many child
> |threads. If a program is concious, when
> |it executes it need never loose control,
> |just because it forks.
> This corresponds somewhat to the human condition
> when you don't work a
> problem and suddenly the solution comes ``out of
> thin air''. Some part of

I wish I had such magical abilities. I frequently
walk away from a problem, baskit weave for a bit,
and then swap the original train of thought back
into my head and then derived the solution. Never
has a solution been beamed into my head - I am very
sorry to say.

Is that how genius works????
Have I been missing out on this talent all along???
No wonder I got that conditional pass in

> you did the thinking (unless you subscribe to
> telepathic distributed

Yum, using other's slave brains to do my work!! Seeing
as most of the time most brains are idle anyways, if I
could harness this power I could dominate the
world in no time. Come on this list isn't about
advancements in technology... Each on of us probably
wants to dominate the world... :P

How else does one propose to live forever on a
finite planet?

This planet is only big enough for ME and my LINEAGE.


sillY P

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