Re: FWD (PvT) Re: Echelon Eavesdropping [newer subj]

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 22:27:01 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> Darpanet and Arpanet were indead neat-o spook networks. Although we
> retroactively call these the "Internet", they originally didn't use the
> Internet Protocol, and were limited to military usage and subcontractors
> or universities that were helping develop military technology.

Really? I don't remember it being all-military use. Many
universities had stuff on it and the access wasn't that well
controlled at all. Lots of people I knew had one or more
user/passwords to different system. Usually someone just gave
them to them because they thought they were bright and
interested and wanted to turn them on to something they found
cool. I remember playing with Macsyma on a computer in Britain
while in San Francisco during the 70s and I was neither military
or in a grad program funded by the military or a Darpa/Arpa
insider. Just a techno-hippy groovin on the possibilities of
networked computers.

- samantha

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