RE: Frontier House - A Luddite Show?

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 19:51:56 MDT

> My thoughts were it was too bad people are so disconnected
> from technology
> that they do not realize the conveniences they provide, its a
> shame that
> these people had to go through that to realize how usefull a
> washer and
> dryer were. Transuhamnisists should have a 'technology
> appreciation day' to
> promulgate just such an appreciation.
> Michael

Hey, that's actually not a bad idea. You could put on a passably interesting
fair whose theme was "appreciating technology".

Imagine, for instance, a stall which had displays about how useful computers
are, with a lot of with-the-computer, without-the-computer comparisons. For
instance, a lot of kids would be fascinated to try typing a letter out on an
old mechanical typewriter (where's the delete key? you mean I have to put it
in an envelope and put it in a box in the street???).

Or a stall about childhood diseases of the past, with statistics and photos
and reports from people of the time about what it was really like to live
under the spectre of Polio, or scarlet fever, or TB (actually, substitute
"and" for "or" in that sentence).

How about a fake gameshow, asking general knowledge questions, where
contestents can use a paper encyclopedia, or google (or nothing!).

How about a "what would your life be like in period X" display? Most of
these would conclude that you would likely be a miserable serf.

We have a really wonderful standard of living nowdays. Misery in the lives
of most westerners comes down to choices made about our lives, rather than
that misery being thrust upon us. Technology is the X factor in all this,
and it's a pity so many of us deride it. It's not only pitiable, it's subtly
dangerous; we can lose what we take for granted. So, events to celebrate
technology in our lives might be a fun reminder of the mundane miracle which
supports us all.


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