Re: How will you know that you've woken up from cryogenic sleep?

From: outlawpoet - (
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 17:52:55 MDT

my last post on this subject was a little ill-thought and rude. I'm at work, and feeling a little combative.

I'd like to apologise for the tone. I'm sorry, Dossy, I didn't meant for that email to come out that way.

Justin Corwin

"Is all the world but jails and churches?
                ~Rage against The Machine

--- outlawpoet - <> wrote:
>--- Dossy <> wrote:
>>On 2002.05.03, outlawpoet - <> wrote:
>>> I would love to have to relearn completely how to relate to people,
>>> their machines, and their world. It sounds very exciting.
>>You can have this today by moving to a country where the culture
>>is entirely different than your own. They speak a different
>>language, their social contracts are entirely different than the
>>ones you're familiar with ...
>>If it's not exciting enough to do it today, why would it be
>>many years from now?
>Well, this sounds a little like baiting. And though I don't really usually respond to 'if you're so sure, why don't you x' statements, I would like to point out that I "am" technically doing what you describe. English is not my first language. I'm in america because it's the most technically advanced nation(not neccesarily the best, mind.) Most of my family lives in Mexico City D.F and I feel very at home and in place there. But here is where the action is. So here I am.
>In a larger sense, I think you know what I meant by my earlier statement. I like progress and new things, I love to travel. But different places on earth can't quite equal the future. Which is what this is all about, isn't it? We all get upgrades, even venice, and other exotic locales. Because the excitement isn't just for novelty. It's a deeper sense of newness. Of /more/ knowledge, not just different. Of /better/ things, not just new.
>Justin Corwin
>"around the world around the world, ...."
> ~Daft Punk


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