Re: How will you know that you've woken up from cryogenic sleep?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat May 04 2002 - 17:59:39 MDT

outlawpoet - wrote:
> --- YP Fun <> wrote:
> >wow I agree with almost everything except:
> >
> >1. "I miss Nirvana" support group"
> >Please why can't everyone just let Kurt rest
> >in peace.
> Ha ha, hopefully, everybody noticed that I was referring the paradise lost Dossy was proposing.
> But, in all fairness, I really didn't like Nirvana very much. I was a Pearl Jam fan.

Liked em both, but preferred hanging out at Sand Point's Soundgarden
with the band of the same name.

And didn't you hear? If you haven't paid attention to Seattle's kookiest
ever public access program, Kurt Cobain Was Murdered..... ;)

> >> I would love to live in a time where my reflexes
> >> of being defensive with people on the street are
> >> archaic and unneccesary. It would be wonderful where
> >
> >You are living in that time now.
> No. I'm not. I've been attacked on the streets of Cincinnati by violents, and assaulted by a drug dealer in salt lake who 'really' wanted to make a sale.
> I've been saved before by being careful on public thoroughfares. And I'll continue to be defensive, particularly when I'm out walking with my girlfriend.(yes, I know, silly pairing defensiveness. And my girlfriend is a double black belt, and any person
attacking her would be making a terrible terrible mistake, but I continue to worry).

Long as I've got my pals Mr Smith and Mr Wesson, I haven't had any
problems. Smackin down muggers who are hopped up on acid with your bare
hands is TIRING.

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