Re: CTHD: Truth in Labelling Campaign

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 22:33:42 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> Loree Thomas wrote:
> >
> > The problem with that is recruiting people who are
> > willing to be radicals... anyone sharing our mind set
> > is unlikely to find getting arrested or tear gassed a
> > useful way of spending their time and energy.
> >
> > The luddites have an advantage here... they can lie or
> > distort and sucker in fools who will willingly risk
> > their persons for nebulous goals and ideals based on
> > emotion and faith...
> Are you actually attempting to ply that only fools will practice
> civil disobediance or otherwise risk jail or worse for a
> worthwhile cause? If you are, and if you are right, then it
> bodes quite ill for our cause indeed.

Those who have nothing worth dying for have nothing worth living for.

> >
> > I don't see how we can do the same. Our goals and
> > ideals don't seem to attract many of the "true
> > believer" types.
> >
> I think you are overly cynical. It doesn't take being a "true
> believer" to lay yourself on the line on an issue.

I'm with Samantha. Being a "true believer" is only useful for becoming a
martyr. What is needed, and what we have, are people who see that there
is a job that needs to be done and are willing to do it, using
intelligence and creativity.

While my "Scruples" type questions on the list recently may have left
the impression that I am about to start some sort of violent campaign,
nothing could be further from the truth. What I intend is to start
creating non-violent spectacles that help demonstrate to the public at
large that there is a second side to the issues of GMOs, Stem Cells,
Cloning, as well as augmentation and human reproductive genetic
engineering. The public needs to know that those against these
technologies do not have their interests at heart, and are deceiving the
public into supporting their cause. I intend to put a spotlight on the
naked emperor. What I need are people who have the guts to do what is
necessary to accomplish this, and my "how far are you willing to go"
type questions were meant to get people thinking along these lines

So, how far ARE you willing to go? You don't need to be a 'true
believer' in order to take extreme action when necessity presents
itself. You just need to be willing to do what it takes to get the job
done, to not choke when the other side decides to escalate things beyond
what you intend (all too likely since no battle plan survives contact
with the enemy).

Too often, I see many on this list are highly skilled at finding excuses
not to do things (I've done the same myself). That is hardly extropic.
In response to my campaign, I have not heard anyone propose any
alternative that would have a similar impact. Rafal made some
suggestions, but IMHO those would have zero chance of gaining any media

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