Re: oh my goodness

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 21:38:43 MDT

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

>>>KPJ wrote: Good numbers... >yawn<
>>>How _BAD_ can odd numbers become?
>>>Maybe you should instead search for the most Evil Number?
>That 1/P approaches zero as the primes go larger, and since it's easy
>to prove that there is no largest prime, it follows that there is no
>limit to evil, and that record evil numbers are already being searched
>for adequately by GIMPS.
Ah yes, but there is an interesting record to be chased in the
abundant numbers, those with a sum of factors greater than
the number. These would be I suppose referred to as
abundant evil numbers. What is the odd number that is the
most abundantly evil?

By the way, my program found a kilodamngood number
last night, and is currently searching for a megagood number.
These could be the most deficient abundant numbers, or
the most abundant deficient numbers known.

Lee Corbin sounds interested in the search. Anyone else
want to join the extropians team? I will share my program
if I get a few participants. I must confess however that it is
a painfully simple minded routine, 13 lines of basic code,
and can likely be vastly improved upon by the abundantly
talented computer jockies on this forum. spike

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