Re: Center for Transhuman Development news list

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 15:41:42 MDT wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> We gave only a email address to be on the extropian list, not name phone and
> sexual preferences; I thought the right to privacy and anonimity were
> accepted by libertarian extropians. I wish to contribute to the CTHD but not
> give my details, if you think that I am a luddite sympathiser you can remove
> me.

Actually, ExI has been phone verifying the identities of list
subscribers to the extropians list for at least a year now, primarily to
keep out trolls and spammers. I personally would not be surprised,
though, to find at least one or more long time lurkers who are members
of the list purely for surveillance purposes. I don't know what you are.
You are welcome to engage in CTHD campaigns as they are publicized as an
independent operator. You are also welcome to contribute by emailing me

If you don't trust me to keep your identity confidential, how can I
trust you to keep my secrets?

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