RE: Reproductive Cloning

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 02:30:51 MDT

How do you decide that it's ok to have a law against robbery, but not
against child abuse? I don't understand this at all.


Lee Corbin wrote:
> > Suppose you saw some thugs fall upon a pedestrian and begin to beat
> > and rob him, you would not try to help, because of your 
> belief in the
> > freedom of the robbers?  I can't believe that.
> You're right!  Indeed I would intervene (in general).  Beating
> and robbing someone is against the law in any civilized society
> (because a citizen's legal rights are being violated---you know
> very well that all of us libertarians believe that government
> must stop the initial use of force---and bystanders should 
> help too).  "Freedom of the robbers"?   Be serious.
> > Would you personally intervene to try to stop your neighbor's
> > abuse of his child?
> No.  Moreover, I would try to persuade everyone that we should
> not have laws against it.  Just what is "child abuse", anyway?
> For some, it's spanking.  For others, it's making children work.
> For others, it's lending out the children for sexual gratification.
> These may all be appalling, but they're rare, and again, we lose
> far more by failing to foster an atmosphere of liberty than we do
> by writing meddling laws.
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