Re: CTHD: Truth in Labelling Campaign

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 22:33:26 MDT

At 02:03 PM 5/1/02 -0700, samantha wrote:

>If you pick one for your first campaign
>that is as ambigous as this one you run considerable danger of
>having your fledgling organization seen as a bunch of cranks.


That could never happen. What? Cranks? A Ninja team of trained extropian
anti-Greens who deface produce in stores using obscurantist labels that
will fill clueless shoppers and furious, litigious store owners with fear,
uncertainty and doubt for the betterment of humankind?

Godawmighty. Beam me out of here.

Damien Broderick

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