Re: BioLuddites publish primer on Enhancement Wars

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 02:19:19 MDT

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> I and several others attempted to point out during the Q&A session
> that just because uploading is hard for humans does not make it
> infeasible for machine intelligences - which Gregory Stock concedes

A cat can do lots of things mice can't, but this doesn't mean the cat will
do their bidding. Especially, if doing that would run contrary to its self

We shouldn't be so defaetist, and give up on a branch of reality just
because it seems harder to enhance people than to make human and
superhuman-grade AIs. Instead of giving up we should try harder, because
the outcome is potentially so dismal.

> will exist and will even be interested in helping humans - but

I wonder how Gregory Stock knows that, not being a superhuman AI.

> Kurzweil did not use this argument. Nor did Kurzweil use any of
> Finney's arguments. On the whole, I would have to say that Kurzweil
> lost the debate. Pretty sad.

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