Re: Whaaa...?

From: KPJ (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 12:24:12 MDT

It appears as if Samnatha Atkins wrote:
|The Chinese have exactly made any secred of infowar being part
|of their military program. That being so and they having set
|many times that they consider the United States an enemy
|capitalist regime, it is not to difficult to believe the do poke
|at the defenses of our networks now and then. So what? The
|question is, why is this store being given fanfare now.

*Any* power would want to have an infowar program, esp. a ``superpower''.

Those who do not understand that, should upgrade their calendars to new
ones from the 21st century. ;-)

As in good ol' SSSR (``Russia'' for you Merrkans) one always read between
the lines in (the party line) news.

Doing the same here tells me that the U.S. govmint will want to put away
a lot of public money into the infowar program, and need to scare the
people, waving the Yellow Danger flag, so they will not complain about how
much money goes to the police state and the military complex (starving people
tend to forget even Pearl Harbors).

Now, all this is strictly between-the-lines reading so you should not take
it too literally.

   /What, me cynic?

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