Re: Altruism (was Re: Immortality and Personal Finance)

From: J. Goard (
Date: Sat Apr 27 2002 - 12:34:00 MDT

At 12:16 PM 4/25/02 -0500, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

>> (Dave Sill)
>> If altruism wasn't one of J R Molloy's useless hypotheses, it should
>> have been. All motivation is ultimately selfish. Caring more about the
>> welfare of others is irrational, if not insane.

With all due respect to Mr. Sill and the many "psychological egoists" out
there, I believe they employ a definition of "interest" which makes their
position trivially true, but which doesn't accord with common usage. This
definiton (roughly, that interest = motivation for action) is quite useful
in theoretical economics, where interesting a priori truths can be derived
from trivial axioms. In ethics, however, I think it just leads to a lot of
talking at cross purposes. When someone believes that an altruistic act
has taken place, they don't believe that [The act was motivated by
something which is not a motivation for action.] They use a different
concept of "interest", which they may not be able to define very clearly
but which seems to be effectively used in our society, and which doesn't
yield such contradictions.

J. Goard
The Beyond outside us is indeed swept away, and the
great undertaking of the Enlightenment complete;
but the Beyond *inside* us has become a new heaven
and calls us to renewed heaven-storming.
                                       --Max Stirner

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