Re: Harry and Louise on Cloning

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 08:04:28 MDT

Hal Finney wrote:
> Dan Fabulich writes:
> > Interesting article in the WSJ today; I'll transcribe as fast as my
> > fingers can type. Expect no proofreading, and that all the technical
> > mistakes are my own.
> >
> > Worrywart Couple Who Helped Scuttle Clinton Health Plan Question Bush
> > Policy in New Ad
> Thanks or taking the time to type that in, Dan. It's amazing to see this
> collision between a futuristic technology like therapeutic cloning and
> these actors, who personify shallow argumentation. Here we are on the
> threshold of advances that will redefine the human species and perhaps
> even the meaning of reality itself. Ahead lie challenges fit to stump the
> greatest philosophers in history. And what do we get? Harry and Louise.
> Even more ironic, Harry and Louise are on the side that is promoting the
> new technology. These people, who represent the lowest common denominator
> of the American public, are shown complaining about scientists being
> put in jail who are trying to save our lives.

THis is exactly why they are successful characters in PR. At least half
the population personifies the 'lowest common denominator' as you so
crassly put it, and it is this half which is most lacking in the
intellectual tools needed to make an informed decision about the
anti-tech claims of luddites. Harry and Louise are very good tools for
this PR war.

> What's next, Harry and Louise on uploading? On the Singularity?
> Presumably by then we'll have computerized Harry and Louise avatars,
> available for sale to the highest bidders to take whatever side they
> are being paid to represent.

Actually, Harry and Louise are owned by the AARP or a related
retiree-oriented industry group.

> It's discouraging, but probably realistic, to see that the difficult
> challenges ahead will be met by public argumentation at this level
> of shallow sloganeering and sound byte politics. The news program in
> Robocop had the prescient slogan, "you give us 22 seconds, we'll give
> you the world." Harry and Louise fit right into this world.

Yes they do, and its about time extropes realize this.

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