FW: News: XCOR Aerospace Acquires Rotary Rocket Assets

From: S.J. Van Sickle (sjvan@csd.uwm.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 11:09:18 MDT

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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 00:03:55 -0700
From: Rich Pournelle <rich@xcor.com>
Subject: News: XCOR Aerospace Acquires Rotary Rocket Assets

XCOR Aerospace Acquires Rotary Rocket Assets

For Immediate Release

Mojave, CA, Tuesday, April 23, 2002: XCOR Aerospace announced today that
it has acquired selected assets of the Rotary Rocket Company, including the
full and exclusive rights to all technology developed by Rotary
Rocket. XCOR also acquired patents for various reusable launch vehicle
technologies and certain equipment. The exclusive rights to the Rotary
Rocket video and photo archive were included in the acquisition.

"Our team has previous experience with these technologies and can rapidly
incorporate them into our products," said XCOR CEO Jeff Greason. The
company plans to use some of the Rotary Rocket technology in its own
vehicle and engine designs and may also license technology to clients for
other projects.

In addition to the patents, a variety of other technological innovations
developed at Rotary Rocket were acquired by XCOR. These include designs
and test data for high-performance liquid oxygen / kerosene rocket engines,
composite liquid oxygen tank technology, and rocket engine injector technology.

XCOR Aerospace is a California corporation located in Mojave,
California. The company is in the business of developing and producing
safe, reliable and re-usable rocket engines and rocket powered vehicles.

For photos and more information visit: http://www.xcor.com/rotaryrocket.html

Press Contact: Wayne Hammack
The Hammack Group
Phone 303-469-7479

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