Re: client-side empty eyesockets the wave of the future?

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 03:44:18 MDT

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, David McFadzean wrote:

> So when Eugen said "I'm so lost. Can you help me by pointing out killer
> content in there? Thank you.", you think that was a comment on the markup
> language? I read it as a mean-spirited sarcasm.

David, this is out of the context. I was asking for evidence that superior
markup leads to superior content. Orelse, why adopt it?

Before, I pointed out that dead tree media somehow manage to generate
excellent content despite of their supposed limitations. Because standards
lock user base, considerable superiority must be demonstrated before the
new and superior standard is adopted in a grassroot fashion. These are
elementary truths.

I asked for evidence of how Hermetic markup produces superior content,
albeit in a somewhat acerbic manner (notice that I pointedly abstained
from ripping Hermit a new arsehole despite ample provocation on his part).

I notice that the evidence I asked for so far is lacking.

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